Poster Instruction

Poster have to be formatted and sent as reported below.
Unlike what happened in previous editions, this year the posters will be displayed on digital panels made available by the CNR. In order to properly organize poster sessions, you must send your poster to the organizing committee, indefinitely by Friday, September 15th, 2017, at the email address.

Digital posters must have the following features:
– Static portrait JPG file (without animation, video, or external links);
– Dimensions: 1080 pixels x 1830 pixels, equal to 28.6 cm x 48.42 cm (width x height);
– The file name should contain the surname of the reference author (“surname” .jpg).

You can provide until 2 JPG files, one for the poster and the other one for additional info, supporting data, pictures etc. Two pages will be available for browsing the same poster on the same digital panel as you like. In this case the second file name will be “surname”2.jpg

Poster instruction ultima modifica: 2017-08-29T11:12:50+00:00 da wp_1401530